Pika Protocol announces airdrop for Optimism users with a total reward of 900,000 OP

Pika Protocol, the derivative protocol on Optimism, recently announced an airdrop program to reward early users and those who have contributed to the project.

Pika Protocol, the derivative protocol on Optimism, recently announced an airdrop program to reward early users and those who have contributed to the project.

For the reward of 45,000 OPs (30% of 150,000 OPs) for early backers, Pika made a snapshot on July 16, 2022. All traders paid at least 10 USDC in delivery fees. Translations before that date are eligible for an airdrop. For every 1 USDC fee paid, the trader will be rewarded with 0.306 OP. The reward is limited to traders who have paid more than 1000 USDC in trading fees (these traders are all rewarded with 306 OP each).

You can check if your wallet is eligible for airdrop here.

The remaining 70% of 150,000 OPs will be awarded to future traders.

Conditions to receive airdrop with LPs (liquidity providers)

To receive airdrop, LPs need to participate in providing liquidity on Pika V2 before July 16, 2022, and at the same time PnL when providing liquidity must record a loss > 20 USDC as of July 16, 2022. The upper rate will be 0.1786 OP per 1 USDC PnL recorded.

You can check your wallet's eligible address and corresponding PnL here.

Additionally, 480,000 OP tokens will be distributed over the next 6 months to incentivize the continued growth of the protocol, at a rate of 80,000 monthly, starting next week. You can provide liquidity to get this bonus.

Project Funding Reward

The 150,000 OP grant will be rewarded for projects built on Pika, bug bounties, tools that have supported the project, for example: Dune Analytics, Zapper,…

Rewards for project builders

Some volunteer community members who have built, commented and supported Pika in the past time will be rewarded with 10% of the total funding (15,000 OP). The list of winners has been specifically listed by Pika:

In addition, as I mentioned above, Pika will spend $135,000 OP to continue to reward future builders.

Can you guys receive the airdrop? Comment to share with us! In addition, do not forget to experience and contribute to the project to receive more airdrop rewards in the future.

Aug 30, 2022

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