What is Social Login? The Web2 Path Leading to the Web3 World

Social Login is a familiar term in the context of Web2, where users' everyday actions involve a simple tap to log in to applications using their social media accounts.

However, the act of logging in with social media accounts in the Web3 space is relatively scarce among dApps (decentralized applications), making all interactions in Web3 go through complex and cumbersome processes. So, what exactly is Social Login, and how does it address challenges within the Web3 market?

What is Social Login?

Social Login is a method of logging into an application through a user's social media accounts, such as Facebook or Google. With just a single click, users can save time and simplify the process of creating and logging into applications, eliminating the need to enter passwords and usernames. Therefore, Social Login enhances the user experience for many applications and attracts more users to join.

In the Web3 space, the concept of logging in through social media is relatively new. Web3 users typically use wallets with passphrases/private keys - long, randomly generated character strings. Therefore, implementing Social Login in the crypto market can bridge the gap between Web3 and Web2, aiming for mass adoption.


Why is Social Login Becoming a Trend in Web3?

According to a study by Florencio and Herley (2007), the average internet user has to remember up to 8 passwords for various applications each day. This is a substantial number and it significantly affects password management and user psychology, leading many to refer to it as "password fatigue."

Web3 is experiencing a similar phenomenon, with cryptocurrency wallet accounts requiring complex passphrases or private keys, often consisting of a long string of characters. If a user uses two wallet accounts, they may need to remember or store up to 48 different characters. Consequently, Web3 is also facing the challenge of "password fatigue," as users have to manage multiple passphrases/private keys for various wallets.

Managing passphrases/private keys in Web3 can be even more challenging because these characters are randomly generated by blockchain algorithms.

Therefore, Social Login is gradually becoming a solution in Web3 to address the issues of passphrase/private key storage and memory. Additionally, Social Login has the potential to attract new users to Web3. According to Easytobook, implementing Social Login can increase user engagement by up to 68%.

Recognizing the importance of Social Login in achieving mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, several products related to Social Login have been introduced. Some applications that have integrated Social Login include FoxCryptoNews Super Wallet, Pulse Wallet, Moralis, and others.

One notable product is Ramper Wallet, a Web3 cryptocurrency wallet developed by Ninety Eight and Ramper Labs. Ramper Wallet focuses on simplicity and ease of use through Social Login, making it easier for Web2 users to connect to Web3 quickly and conveniently.

Application of Social Login in Web3 Cryptocurrency Wallets

According to Chainalysis research, logging into Web3 cryptocurrency wallets has posed significant and unwarranted obstacles, resulting in the loss of $150 billion USD simply due to the inability to locate the private key or passphrase. Therefore, applying Social Login to Web3 wallets can bring about the following applications and advantages:

  • Increasing Conversion Rates: When registration or login becomes easier, users are less likely to become discouraged. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of them continuing to use the service and engaging in various activities on Web3.


  • User Experience Optimization: Web3 wallets often have complex requirements that users must remember and store, such as passphrases and private keys. With Social Login, users only need a single touch to create a Web3 wallet account, reducing the need to remember passphrases and private keys.


  • Attracting New Users: Implementing Social Login for Web3 wallets can attract a broader user base, aiming for widespread crypto acceptance worldwide. This, in turn, enhances the value and benefits for dApps and ecosystems within the blockchain.


  • Enhancing KYC Capabilities: Social media accounts already have solutions for online identity verification. Therefore, applying Social Login can save time for KYC (Know Your Customer) processes on various dApps.

Popular Types of Social Login for Easy Website Authentication

Social Login allows users to log in using various social media accounts, including:

  1. Facebook Login: This allows users to use their Facebook accounts for authentication. It's the most popular form of Social Login, with Facebook having a total of 2.9 billion monthly users (equivalent to 37.2% of the world's population).

  2. Google Login: Users can log in using their Google accounts. Google's ecosystem is extensive, and having a Google account can provide certain benefits.

  3. Apple ID Login: This form of login enables users to use their Apple ID for authentication. For those with Apple IDs, logging in is typically straightforward and fast. However, Apple ID is primarily suitable for those within the Apple ecosystem (e.g., iPhone, MacBook users).

Additionally, there are other types of Social Login, such as Twitter Login, LinkedIn Login, Instagram Login, and more. However, these forms of Social Login are typically specific to certain applications and are not as widely used as the three mentioned above.

Popular Social Login Methods for User Authentication

Ramper Wallet - Simplifying and Speeding Up Web3 Access

Ramper: Simplifying Web3 Crypto Wallets and dApp Access with Social Login SDK

giao diện ramper

Furthermore, the Ramper team focuses on the security of the wallet by implementing the OAuth protocol for Social Login. OAuth is a protocol that allows users to grant third parties access to their social media accounts without sharing their login information (username and password). Subsequently, the third party verifies the information and allows the user to log in to Ramper.

OAuth is widely used in various applications, including prominent names like Google, Firefox, and Ramper. Utilizing OAuth ensures the security of users' personal information when using Social Login.

mô hình hoạt động của oauth

OAuth is widely used in many applications, with notable names such as Google, Firefox, and Ramper. Using OAuth ensures that users' personal information remains unaffected when using Social Login.

Ramper has also developed the RPMS (Restorative Performant Multi-encryption System) security mechanism to protect users' passphrase/private key from intrusion. RPMS allows the user's private key to be split into two parts and encrypted on two different cloud platforms.

Therefore, compared to wallets like MetaMask, Ramper does not store keys on users' phones and desktops. This limits cases where private keys are encrypted by external malicious code.

Particle Network - Project Developing Social Login Combined with Account Abstraction

Particle Network is a project focused on developing and providing tools for dApps to deploy their own wallets (Wallet-as-a-service). Currently, Particle Network is concentrating on developing features including zkStack, Account Abstraction, Social Login, and more.

giao diện particle network

Despite building many features compared to Ramper, Particle Network's Social Login currently does not use OAuth for authentication. Instead, Particle Network aims for user-friendliness and ease of use, so they have implemented Account Abstraction to provide Social Login functionality for users.

Pulse Wallet - Web3 Social Login Wallet for PulseChain

Pulse Wallet is a Web3 cryptocurrency wallet built as a primary wallet for the PulseChain network. In addition to the Social Login feature, the team behind the project is focused on developing features such as zk-Snark, MPC, and more to integrate into Pulse Wallet.

giao diện pulse wallet

Pulse Wallet is also one of the products developed entirely by the Vietnamese team, including Finn Nguyen - CEO, Hung Dang - CTO, and others. The goal of Pulse Wallet is to become a foundational Web3 wallet, setting new standards for future wallet product development projects.

Dec 13, 2023

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