Coinbase integrates crypto policy review into the app

Coinbase users can now evaluate crypto policy, vote, and explore political events on the exchange's own app.

Coinbase integrates crypto policy review into the app

14, Coinbase co-founder and CEO Brian Armstrong announced plans to integrate a crypto policy review into his app, pursuing the mission of “enhancing economic freedom.”  


Coinbase will rely on some data compiled by Crypto Action Network – an organization dedicated to promoting the development and security of the crypto industry. Specifically, Coinbase will use a scorecard compiled by the network that ranks each member of Congress on their stance on cryptocurrencies, based on their public statements and actions. The grading system will range from A to F.

According to the Coinbase CEO tweet, the app's 103 million verified users will be able to find out how members of Congress are thinking about crypto, as well as register to vote and stay updated on events. case of the local town hall. The company also plans to expand its geographic reach and add relevant data to candidate profiles.

The new feature will help pro-crypto candidates call for crypto donations from the community. CEO Armstrong added: 

“Cryptocurrency advocacy is vital to our mission to increase economic freedom around the world, and Coinbase will do its part in this joint effort. But the crypto community is much larger than Coinbase – hopefully we can all rally together to engage leaders who promote sound policies.”

The above announcement comes less than a month after Coinbase Chief Policy Officer Faryar Shirzad, shared:


“The leaders we elect this November will be the key decision makers about the future of cryptocurrency, blockchain and Web3 and about economic freedom.”

FoxCryptoNews summary

Sep 15, 2022

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